(286ANA, 288ANA, 180ANA, 187ANA)
Application Guidelines
Bryant designed and tested the two--stage air conditioner and heat
pump products with Puron refrigerant to operate at a minimum
outdoor operating ambient in cooling mode at 55_F without low
ambient cooling enabled and the maximum outdoor operating
ambient in cooling is 125_F/51.6_C. On Evolution
communicating systems, only low ambient cooling is available to
The maximum outdoor operating ambient in heating mode is
66_F/18.8_C on all heat pumps. Continuous operation in heating
mode is approved to --30_F/--34.4_C. Thermostat options for the
two stage units are as follows:
S Bristol reciprocating two stage units can utilize either a
two stage thermostat or an Evolution communicating
User Interface.
S Copeland scroll two stage units must use the Evolution
communicating User Interface.
288A Copeland scroll units require Evolution communicating User
Interface (UI) to achieve the needed airflow for comfort and
efficiency in both low and high stage. The Copeland scroll two
stage compressor unloads to 67% of full compressor capacity
verses the Bristol reciprocating two stage compressor that decreases
to about 50% of full capacity.
Indoor units for the two stage require variable speed indoor blower
capabilities. Only unit combinations listed in the two stage
Product Data are recommended. Product Data may also include
coil only ratings but a variable speed blower is required to achieve
comfort and efficiency.
Non--communicating indoor units with properly matched airflow
are available for the 286A/187ANA models and are listed in the
Product Data. There are no non--communicating indoor units
available with the proper airflow for the 288ANA/180ANA units.
For this reason, a User Interface (Evolution Control) and Evolution
indoor unit is required with the Copeland UltraTech unit
286A/187ANA Bristol Compressor units may use a standard
2--stage thermostat, or for full utilization of features, the Evolution
zoned or non--zoned control.
Line sets for two stage units are similar to the single stage units.
However, some restrictions may apply to specific combinations in
long line applications. Refer to the Long Line Guideline for further
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) requires that electric strip
heat have a lockout feature. This is achieved through Bryant
thermostats required per above and must be used on all TVA
approved units.
The new control board in the two stage units with Puron refrigerant
has dip switches for defrost timing. The Evolution controls
provide these two stage units with high stage latching and Hybrid
Heatt (dual fuel) capabilities. The standard Hybrid Heatt (duel
fuel) thermostat can be used on two stage units with Bristol
reciprocating compressors only.
Model Plug
Each control board contains a model plug. The correct model plug
must be installed in order for the system to operate properly. (See
Table 14.)
The model plug is used to identify the type and size of unit to the
control. On 286A models, the model plug is also used to determine
the start sequence timing for each individual model.
On new units, the model and serial numbers are inputted into the
board’s memory at the factory. If a model plug is lost or missing at
initial installation, the unit will operate according to the
information input at the factory and the appropriate error code will
flash temporarily. An RCD replacement board contains no model
and serial information. If the factory control board fails, the model
plug must be transferred from the original board to the replacement
board for the unit to operate.
NOTE: The model plug takes priority over factory model
information input at the factory. If the model plug is removed after
initial power up, the unit will operate according to the last valid
model plug installed, and flash the appropriate fault code
Table 14—Model Plug Information
(K --- ohms)
Pin s 1 --- 4 Pins 2 --- 3
286ANA024 HK70EZ002 5.1 18
286ANA036 HK70EZ004 5.1 33
286ANA048 HK70EZ006 5.1 51
286ANA060 HK70EZ008 5.1 75
288ANA024 HK70EZ010 5.1 120
288ANA036 HK70EZ012 5.1 180
288ANA048 HK70EZ014 5.1 270
288ANA060 HK70EZ016 11 5.1
180ANA024 HK70EZ009 5.1 91
180ANA036 HK70EZ011 5.1 150
180ANA048 HK70EZ013 5.1 220
180ANA060 HK70EZ015 5.1 360
187ANA024 HK70EZ001 5.1 11
187ANA036 HK70EZ003 5.1 24
187ANA048 HK70EZ006 5.1 39
187ANA060 HK70EZ007 5.1 62