* Permissible limits of the voltage range at which the unit will operate satisfactorily. Operation outside these limits may result in unit failure.
† If other than uncoated (non-plated), 60°C or 75°C (140° or 167°F) insulation, copper wire (solid wire for 10 AWG and smaller, stranded wire for larger than
10 AWG) is used, consult applicable tables of the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70).
If wire is applied at ambient greater than 30°C (86°F), consult Table 310-16 of the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70). The ampacity of nonmetallic-sheathed cable
(NM), trade name ROMEX, shall be that of 60°C (140°F) conductors, per the NEC (ANSI/NFPA 70) Article 336-26.
‡ Length shown is as measured 1 way along the wire path between the unit and the service panel for a voltage drop not to exceed 2 percent.
** Time-delay fuse or circuit breaker.
†† The factory refrigerant charge is for 15 ft of interconnecting tubing. For tubing lengths other than 15 ft, refer to the Residential Split-Systems Long-Line
Application Guideline and Service Manual for Residential Split-System Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps using Puron (R-410A).
‡‡ Outdoor thermostat required.
*** For indicator function, thermostat specified must be used and wired according to service alarm Installation Instructions.
††† Use with low-ambient pressure switch.
Copper wire must be used from service disconnect to unit. All motors/compressors contain internal overload protection.
UNIT SIZE-SERIES 042-A.C 048-A,C 060-B,C
Operating Weight (Lb) 218 266 295
Unit Volts—Hertz—Phase 208/230—60—1
Operating Voltage Range* 187—253
Compressor Rated Load Amps 21.1 20.5 27.6
Compressor Locked Rotor Amps 104.0 109.0 158.0
Condenser Fan Motor—Full Load Amps 1.1 1.4 1.4
Minimum Unit Ampacity for Wire Sizing 27.5 27.0 35.9
Minimum Wire Size (60°C Copper) (AWG)† 10 10 8
Minimum Wire Size (75°C Copper) (AWG)† 10 10 8
Maximum Wire Length (60°C) (Ft)‡ 71 74 86
Maximum Wire Length (75°C) (Ft)‡ 68 70 82
Maximum Branch Circuit Fuse Size** 40 40 60
Compressor Manufacturer Copeland
Compressor Type Scroll
Refrigerant Type Puron
Refrigerant Amount (Lb)†† 8.63 13.25 13.25
Coil Face Area (Sq Ft) 12.12 18.18 18.18
Fins per In.—Rows—Circuits 20—2—3 20—2—4 20—2—5
Fan Motor—HP & RPM 1/5 and 825 1/4 and 1100 1/4 and 1100
Rated Airflow (CFM) 2800 3300 3300
Support Feet—4 In. (4) KSASF0101AAA
Snow Stand—18 In. KHASS0206MPK
Time Delay Relay KAATD0101TDR
Interface Control (Energy Minder)‡‡ KHAIC0101AAA
Service Alarm*** KHASA0101AAA
Outdoor Thermostat KHAOT0301FST
Secondary Outdoor Thermostat KHAOT0201SEC
Crankcase Heater KAACH1201AAA Standard
Start Assist—Capacitor/Relay Type KSAHS1501AAA KSAHS1601AAA
Start Assist—PTC Type Standard KAACS0201PTC
Bi-Flow TXV (Hard Shutoff) KSATX0301HSZ KSATX0401HSZ KSATX0501HSZ
Filter Drier (Suction Line) KH45LG141 (RCD)
Evaporator Freeze Thermostat††† KAAFT0101AAA
Isolation Relay††† KHAIR0101AAA
Liquid-Line Solenoid Valve (LSV) KHALS0401LLS
Low-Ambient Pressure Switch KSALA0301410