
TOPS — Sloped condensate pans minimize biological growth in
rooftop units in accordance with ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers)
Standard 62. Two-inch filters with optional dirty filter indicator
switch provide for greater particle reduction in the return air.
The face-split evaporator coils improve the dehumidification
capability of standard units, maximize building humidity control.
Optional proportional reacting CO
sensor is available with the
EconoMi$er IV outdoor air damper option/accessory to aid the
IAQ benefits.
SYSTEM (581C036-060 and 581B036-150 only) — Bryant’s
Perfect Humidity adaptive dehumidification system is an all-
inclusive factory-installed option that can be ordered with any
581B rooftop unit to meet the demand for providing a flexible
and high performing solution to accommodate all of these
design related issues. This system expands the envelope of
operation of 581B rooftop products to provide unprecedented
flexibility to meet year-round comfort conditions. The Perfect
Humidity adaptive dehumidification system has the industry’s
only dual dehumidification mode setting. The Perfect Humidity
system includes two new modes of operation. The 581B and
581C rooftop coupled with the Perfect Humidity system is capa-
ble of operating in normal design cooling mode, subcooling
mode, and hot gas reheat mode. Normal Design Cooling mode
is when the unit will operate under its normal sequence of oper-
ation by cycling compressors to maintain comfort conditions.
Subcooling mode will operate to satisfy part load type condi-
tions when the space requires combined sensible and a higher
proportion of latent load control. Hot Gas Reheat mode will
operate when outdoor temperatures diminish and the need for
latent capacity is required for sole humidity control. Hot Gas
Reheat mode will provide neutral air for maximum dehumidifica-
tion operation.
AGE (581A181-300) — The hot gas reheat dehumidification
package is a result of recent advances by Bryant in controlling
comfort levels. This factory-installed option significantly
improves the dehumidification capability of the rooftop unit and
helps control humidity levels in the building.
This option provides increased dehumidification by cooling the
hot liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser coil. The hot gas
reheat package consists of a subcooling coil located on the
leaving-air side of the evaporator coil. The location of this coil in
the indoor airstream enhances the latent capacity of the units
by as much as 40%. Many buildings suffer from humidity dam-
age or poor indoor air quality due to humid conditions. The
improved latent capacity provided by the hot gas reheat option
reduces the building’s humidity, eliminating potential property
damage and making the space more comfortable.
The hot gas reheat option is the ideal IAQ option for hot and
humid regions. The operation of the hot gas reheat package
can be controlled by a field-installed, wall mounted humidistat
or Thermidistat™ device. The circuit activates only when
needed (using the accessory humidistat) as opposed to some
dehumidification systems that operate continuously. The humi-
distat can be set for any humidity level between 20% and 80%
relative humidity. The Thermidistat device can be set for any
humidity level between 50% and 90% relative humidity.