This577D unitisa smallpackagedgasheat/electriccoolingsystem
that can utilizethe comfortof gas heating packaged along with effi-
cient electric air conditioning. This unit uses Puron
, the environ-
mentally friendly refrigerant, for cooling.
Theoperationofyourunitiscontrolledby theEvolutiont UserIn-
terface(UI).You simply programtheUIand itmaintainstheindoor
temperature at the level you select. See UI manual for detailed in-
To better protectyour investmentand to eliminateunnecessary ser-
vice calls, familiarize yourself with the following facts:
To start unit gas heat:
Refer to Fig. 2 for location of unit front access panel. Refer to Fig.
3 forlocation of gasva lve.Referto Fig. 4whileproceeding with the
following steps.
1. Set the temperatureselectoron UI tothe lowesttemperature
setting and set system switch to HEAT.
2. Close the external manual gas shutoff valve.
3. Turn off the electrical supply to the unit.
4. Remove the front access panel with a 5/16--in. nut driver.
5. MovetheselectorswitchontheinternalgasvalvetotheOFF
position and wait 5 minutes.
6. Movetheselectorswitchon theinternal gasvalveto theON
7. Replace the front access panel.
8. Turn on the electrical supply to unit.
9. Open the external manual gas shutoff valve.
10. Setthe temperatureselector on UIslightly above room tem-
perature to start unit. The induced--draft combustion air fan
willstart. Main gasvalvewillopen andmain burnersshould
ignitewithin 5 seconds. Iftheburnerdoes notlight within 5
seconds,theignition modulewillgointoaRetry Modeafter
a period of approximately 22 seconds (following the
5--second ignition period). If the burners do not light within
15 minutes of the initial call for heat, there is a loc kout.
11. Set the temperature selector on UI to desired setting.
Access Panels
Filter Access Panel
For Accessory Filter Rack
Fig. 2 -- Accessory Filter Rack Access Panel
Gas Valve
Flue Hood
Fig. 3 -- Gas Heating/Electric Cooling Unit with Access Panel
Removed (Standard unit shown. Actual appearance is shown
in Fig. 2.)
Failure to follow this warning could resultin personalinjury,
death, and/or property damage.
1. If the main burners fail to light, or the blower fails to start,
shutdowngasheatingsectionandcall yourdealerforservice.
2. Never attempt to manually light the main burners on unit
with a match, lighter, or any other flame. If the electric
sparking device fails to light the main burners, refer to the
as possible.
To shut off unit gas heat:
Failure to follow this warning could resultin personalinjury,
death, and/or property damage.
Do not turn off the electrical power to unit without first
turning off the gas supply.
Note:If the unit is being shut down because of a malfunction, call
your dealer as soon as possible.
Shouldoverheating occuror the gassupply failto shutoff,shut off
the external manualgasvalvetotheunitbeforeshuttingoffthee lec-
trical supply. Do not use this unit if any part has been underwater.
Imme diately call a qualified service technician to inspect the uni t
and to replace any part of the control sys tem and any gas control
which has been under water.
Refer to Fig. 4 while pr oceeding with the following steps.
1. Set thetemperatures electoron UI to lowesttemperatureset-
ting and set system SWITCH to OFF.
2. Close the external manual shutoff valve.
3. Turn off the electrical power supply to the unit.
4. Remove the front access panel.
5. MovetheselectorswitchontheinternalgasvalvetotheOFF
To start unit electric cooling:
Refer to Fig. 5 while pr oceeding with the following steps.
1. Set the temperature selector on UI to highest temperature
setting and set system SWITCH to OFF.
2. Close the external manual shutoff valve.
3. Turn off the electrical power supply to the unit.