OFC — Outdoor Fan Contactor
OFM — Outdoor Fan Motor
PL — Plug Assembly
QT — Quadruple Terminal
SAT — Supply Air Temperature Sensor
TRAN — Transformer
Field Splice
Marked Wire
Terminal (Marked)
Terminal (Unmarked)
Terminal Block
Splice (Marked)
Factory Wiring
Field Control Wiring
Field Power Wiring
Accessory or Optional Wiring
To indicate common potential only;
not to represent wiring.
C—Contactor, Compressor
CAP — Capacitor
CB — Circuit Breaker
COMP — Compressor Motor
EQUIP — Equipment
FPT — Freeze Up Protection Thermostat
GND — Ground
HC — Heater Contactor
HPS — High-Pressure Switch
IFC — Indoor Fan Contactor
IFM — Indoor Fan Motor
IFMOVL — Indoor Fan Motor Overload Switch
IFR — Indoor Fan Relay
LPS — Low-Pressure Switch
LSM — Limit Switch (Motor)
Fig. 49 — Typical Unit Wiring Schematic
1. If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced
with type 90 C wire or its equivalent.
2. Three phase motors are protected under primary single phasing conditions.
3. Use copper conductors only.
4. Use copper, copper clad aluminum or aluminum conductors.
5. For 208/230-3-60 v units TRAN is wired for 230-v unit. If unit is to be run
with 208-v power supply disconnect BLK wire from 230-v tap (RED) and
connect to 208-v tap (BLU). Insulate end of 230-v tap.