S Up to 28% lighter than similar industry units. Lighter rooftops make easier replacement jobs.
S 3 --8.5 ton units fit on existing Bryant rooftop curbs making the utility connections the same. This saves time and money
on replacement jobs.
S Standardized components and layout. Standardized components and controls make service and stocking parts easier.
S Scroll compressors on all units. This makes service, stocking parts, replacement, and trouble--shooting easier.
S Crankcase heater on all models (except 04 size) provides added protec tion in all applications.
S Precession sized suction line accumulator provide high reliability by preventing liquid from entering the compressor
during low ambient conditions and reverse cycle switch over.
S Fiel d convertible airflow (3--8.5 tons). Being able to convert a unit from vertica l airflow to horizontal makes it easy to
overcome job site complications.
S 4--way reversing valve rapidly changes the flow of refrige rant to quickly changeover from cooling to heating and heating
to cooling.
S Easy--adjust, belt--drive motor availabl e on all sizes. Bryant provides a factory solut ion for most points in the fan
performance table. There’s no need for field--supplied drives or motors.
S 3--5 ton models come standard with an Electric Drive X13, 5 speed/torque motor to provide exact performance in ma ny
applications. Belt drive motor optional.
S Provisions for bottom or side condensate drain.
S Capable of thru--the--base or thru--the--curb electrical routing.
S Dependable time/temperature defrost logic provides a defrost cycle, if needed, every 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes and is
S Single--point electrical connection.
S Sloped, composite drain pan. Sloped, composite drain pan sheds water; and won’t rust.
S Standardized controls and control box layout. Standardized components and controls make stocking parts and service
S Clean, easy to use control box.
S Standard coils are copper round tube, aluminum plate fin with optional coil coatings and copper fin design.
S Color--coded wir ing.
S Large, laminated wiring and power wiring drawings which are affixed to unit make troubleshooting easy.
S Single , ce ntral terminal board for test and wiri ng connections.
S Fast--access, handled, panels for easy access to the blower and blower motor, c ontrol box, and compressors.
S “No--strip” screw system guides screws into the panel and captures them tightly without stripping the screw, the panel, or
the unit.
S Exclusive, newly--design indoor refrigerant header for easier maintenance and replacement.
S Mechanical cooling (115_Fto25_For46_Cto--4_C) on Electro--Mechanical (E/M) and Direct Digital Controller
(DDC) (RTU--MP controller).
S 2” (51mm) disposable filters on all units.
S High capacity refrigerant filter--drier on each circuit.
S High pressure switch, loss of charge switch and freeze protection adds greater unit reliability.