Liquid Line Solenoid
Fig. 6 -- 2--Stage Control Board
Low Ambient
When this unit is operating below 55_F (12.78_C) outdoor
temperature, provisions must be made for low ambient operation.
Evolution Controlled low ambient cooling:
This unit is capable of low ambient cooling without a kit ONLY
when using Evolution control. A low ambient kit is not required,
and the outdoor fan motor does not need to be replaced fo r
Evolution controlled low ambient operation. The Evolution
Control provides an automatic evaporator coil freeze protection
algo rithm th at elimin ates the need for an evap orato r freeze
thermostat. Low ambient cooling must be enabled in the User
Interface set up. Fan may not begin to cycle until about 40_F
(4.4 _C) OAT. Fan will cycle based on coil and outdoor air
Evolution controlled low ambient mode operates as follows:
S FanisOFFwhenoutdoorcoiltempis<(outdoorairtemperature
+3_F/1.7_C)oroutdoorfanhasbeenONfor30minutes. (Fan
is tu rned off to allow refrigeran t system to stabilize.)
S FanisONwhenoutdoorcoiltemp>(outdoorairtemperature+
25_F / 13.9 _C) or outdoor coil temp > 80 _F/26.7_Corif
outdoorfan hasbeen OFF for 30minutes. (Fan isturned onto
allow refrig eran t system to stabilize.)
S Low pressure switch is ignored for first 3 minutes during low
ambientstartup. After3minutes,ifLPStrips,thenoutdoorfan
motoris turnedofffor10minutes,withthecompressor running.
IfLPSclo seswith in1 0m in u testhenco o lingcon tin u es withth e
outdoor fancyclingperthe coil temperature routinelistedabove
fortheremainderofthecoolingcycle. IftheLPSdoesnotclose
within 10 minutes, then the normal LPS trip response (shut
For 288A models, the PWM output for both high and low stage
equals the value for low stage operation below 55_F (12.8_C).
This control offers 5 possible defrost interval times: 30, 60, 90, 120
minutes, or AUTO.
These are selected by dip switches on the unit control board or by
the Evolution Control User Interface. The Evolution Control
selection overrides the control board dip switch settings.
AUTO defrost adjusts the defrost interval time based on the last
defrost time as follows:
S When defrosttime <3 minutes, thenext defrost interval=120
S When defrosttime 3 -- 5 minutes, the next defrost interval=90
S When defrosttime 5 -- 7 minutes, the next defrost interval=60
S When defrosttime >7 minutes, thenext defrost interval=30
The control board accumulates compressor run time. As the
accumulated run time approaches the s elected defrost interval time,
the control board monitors the coil temperature sensor for a defrost
demand. If a defrost demand exists, a defrost cycle will be initiated
at the end of the selected time interval. A defrost demand exists
when the coil temperature is at or below 32_F(0_C) for 4 minutes
during the interval.
The defrost cycle is t erminated when the coil temperature reaches
65_F (18.33_C)or 10 minutes has passed.
On 286A models, defrost will occur in low-- or high--stage as
demanded by the thermostat or User Interface regardless of OAT
On 288A models, when OAT is >25_F(--3.9_C), defrost will occur
in low-- or high --stage as demanded by the thermostat or User
On 288A models, if OAT is ≤25_F(--3.9_C), defrost will occur in
high--stage only, regardless of thermostat or User Interface demand,
and will terminate at 50_F(10_C) coil temperature with a
minimum of 2.5 minutes in defrost.
If the coil temperature does not reach 32_F(0_C) within the
interval, the interval timer will be reset and start over.
S Up o n in itial pow er up the first d efro st interval is d efau lted to
30 mi n u tes. Remaining in terv als are at selected tim es.
S Defrostis only allowed to occur below 50_F(10_C)outdoor
amb ient t em p eratu re.
286A / 288A