FM 23-45 Basic Field Manual
Figure 5. — Bolt group.
. Turn the top of cocking lever to the rear of bolt and withdraw cocking lever pin to
the left of bolt.
. Lift out cocking lever.
. Release firing pin by pushing down on sear. Hold bolt in the left hand, the front
end toward the body, top up, with the index finger of the left hand beneath and
supporting the sear. Use the nose of a cartridge, placed near the end of sear spring, to
push downward and to the right on spring to seat it in cut in bolt. This releases sear
which is removed at the bottom of bolt.
. Turn sear spring back to the left to clear the cut. Push nose of a cartridge into the
hole in the bottom of bolt to start sear spring pin moving. To complete the removing of
sear spring, place the top end of cocking lever well under sear spring and pry down
against the edge of bolt.
. Place the palm of the right hand over the rear of bolt, tilt the rear end of bolt
down, and firing pin will drop out.
■13. A
. Place firing pin in bolt, striker downward and to the front, and tilt the front of bolt
downward until striker projects through the small hole in the front of bolt.
. Replace sear spring by pushing with a cartridge on top of pin, avoiding pressure
on spring proper.
. Hold bolt in the left hand, front end toward the body, top up. With point of a
cartridge placed near the end of sear spring, push downward and to the right to seat it
in cut in bolt.
Push sear upward from the bottom, notched projection toward the front of bolt,
and hold with first finger of the left hand while pressing downward and to the left on
sear spring with a cartridge to engage the end of sear spring in sear.
. Replace cocking lever, making certain that the rounded nose on the lower end is to
the rear of bolt so that it will properly engage in the recess in firing pin.
. Insert cocking lever pin from the left side of bolt. The upper end of cocking lever
should be to the rear of bolt before inserting pin, as this aligns cocking lever for the
return of pin.