
BE-0901E-AC-PC• BE-1201B-AC-PC 8-7
Chapter 8 Creating Production Report
Display Example of Thread breakage Information in Pattern
Displays thread breakage information for each pattern.
Display Contents
n th The pattern was embroidered for the "n"th time.
Pattern name Name of the pattern that was embroidered
Head No. (*) Head number where a thread breakage occurred
Needle bar no. (*) Needle bar number where a thread breakage occurred
n th stitch (*) The ordinal number of the stitch when a thread breakage occurred
Speed range (*) Speed range that was effective when a thread breakage occurred
The items marked with "*" can be shown or hidden on the "Setting items to be displayed" screen.
Display in text
Display in graph
The number of thread breakage for each pattern is displayed with the graph.
Click tab to display other patterns with the graph.