With the Embroidery Edit functions, you can combine embroidery patterns and character patterns,
change the size of patterns, rotate patterns, and perform many other editing functions. This machine can
perform the 11 functions listed below.
■ Print and Stitch (Combining Embroidery Patterns and Printed Designs)
You can create beautiful three-dimensional embroidered designs by ironing a background onto fabric or printing
it onto printable fabric, then sewing complementary embroidery on top of the background.
■ Create Appliqué Piece
You can create an appliqué piece from the built-in patterns and patterns on embroidery cards.
■ Combine Patterns
You can easily create combinations of embroidery patterns, frame patterns, character patterns, patterns from the
machine’s memory, patterns from separately sold embroidery cards, and many other patterns.
■ Move Patterns
Within the 30 cm × 20 cm (approx. 12 inches × 8 inches) wide embroidery area, you can change the position of
patterns, and check the position on the LCD.
■ Rotate Patterns
You can rotate patterns one degree, ten degrees or ninety degrees at a time.
■ Enlarge or Reduce Patterns
You can make patterns larger or smaller.
• This function is not available for some patterns.
■ Create Mirror Images
You can create horizontal mirror images.
• This function is not available for some patterns.
■ Change Alphabet Character Spacing
You can increase or decrease the spacing between characters in combined patterns.
■ Change Alphabet Character Appearance/Layout
You can change the layout of the characters to a curved line, diagonal, etc. There are 6 choices total.
■ Change the Thread Colors of Patterns
You can change the thread colors of the pattern to your favorite colors.
■ Creating a Repeating Pattern
You can add copies of a pattern to create a pattern that repeats in a vertical or horizontal direction.