B100539-2-0610Page 8
Gas Type
Your Broilmaster
side burner is factory equipped for LP
gas. Natural gas conversion instructions are located
in the Natural Gas section of this manual. Never use
liquid propane gas with a grill designed for natural gas,
or natural gas with a grill designed for liquid propane
gas. The type gas required for your grill can be deter-
mined from its product identication label. Questions
regarding different types of gases should be directed
to your gas supplier.
Side Burner Location
Your grill and side burner have been designed for
outdoor use ONLY.
This side burner mounts on the right side of a Broilmas-
gas grill and cannot be used with another grill or
for any other purpose.
You should never install or operate your grill and side
burner in any building, garage, or other enclosed
For your safety, the grill and side burner should
not be installed or operated under any combustible
materials, such as carports, covered porches, aw-
nings, or overhangs.
Never install or use your grill and side burner in
or on any recreational vehicle or boat.
a minimum clearance of sixteen (16") inches is required
from all sides of the side burner to any combustible
material. Refer to the grill’s Owner’s Manual for specic
grill clearances.
Examples of combustible materials are patio furniture,
fences, or the wall of your home.
The area surrounding the grill and side burner should be
clear to ensure proper ventilation. Do not obstruct the
ow of combustion and ventilation air in any way. The
ventilation openings on the propane cylinder enclosure
must also remain free and clear of debris.
Portable grills with side burners should be level and
positioned away from direct wind prior to each use.
cautiOn: th e i n S ta l l at i O n a n d O P e r a t i O n O f t h i S
G r i l l a n d S i d e B u r n e r a t c l e a r a n c e S l e S S t h a n S P e c i -
f i e d B e l O w M a y c a u S e a f i r e , P r O P e r t y d a M a G e , O r
P e r S O n a l i n j u r y .
warninG: d
O n O t i n S t a l l O r O P e r at e t h i S G r i l l
a n d S i d e B u r n e r w h e r e G a S O l i n e O r O t h e r f l a M M a B l e
M a t e r i a l S a r e u S e d O r S t O r e d . fa i l u r e t O c O M P l y
w i t h t h i S w a r n i n G c O u l d r e S u l t in e x P l O S i O n O r f i r e
c a u S i n G P r O P e r t y d a M a G e O r P e r S O n a l i n j u r y .
a u t i O n : dO n O t u S e a P r O P a n e G a S c y l i n d e r w h i c h
h a S a c a P a c i t y G r e a t e r t h a n t w e n t y (20) P O u n d S w i t h
t h i S G r i l l a n d S i d e B u r n e r .
Cylinder Requirements
Your Broilmaster
Premium Gas Grill requires a stan-
dard twenty (20) pound propane gas cylinder.
The propane gas cylinder used must be:
1. constructed and marked in accordance with the speci-
cations for LP gas cylinder of the U.S. Department
of Transportation (D.O.T.) or the National Standard
of Canada, CAN/CSA-B339, Cylinders, Spheres, and
Tubes for Transportation of Dangerous Goods; and
Commission as applicable.
2. provided with a listed overlling protection device
3. provided with a listed safety device having direct access
with the vapor space of the cylinder and the cylinder
supply system must be arranged for vapor removal.
4. provided with a shutoff valve terminating in a valve outlet
as specied in the Standard for Compressed Gas Cyl-
inder Outlet and Inlet Connections, ANSICGA-V-1.
5. provided with a plug to effectively seal off the cylinder
outlet when the cylinder is being stored or transport-
6. provided with a collar to protect the cylinder valve.