B101586-7-1012Page 18
All repair part orders should be placed through your local Broilmaster dealer. To locate a dealer in your area, visit
www.broilmaster.com and click on the dealer locator. To ensure prompt and accurate service, please provide the following
information when placing a repair part order: Model Number, Part Name, Part Number, and Quantity of parts needed.
in-ground poSt ExplodEd viEw & pArtS liSt
Remove pRotective coating fRom stainless steel paRts staRting at pop Rivets and veRify that all paRts listed in the exploded
view on this page have been included befoRe beginning this installation.
cauTiOn: use caution when handling paRts, as they may contain shaRp edges.
woRk gloves aRe Recommended to pRevent injuRy.
SS48G B101652 BL48G
1 B101674 - B101672 Post Assembly
2 B101760 B101760 B101760 Upper Bracket Assembly
3 B100526 B101526 B100526 Grease Cup
4 B076519 B076519 B076519 Flex Line
5 B101630 B101629 B101629 Post Access Door
6 - B101644 - Post Assembly
7 B100545 B100545 B100545 Grease Cup Bracket Assembly
8* - B101596 B101596 Post Cover Plate - Black
8* B101597 - - Post Cover Plate - Stainless Steel
9 - B101654 - Post Extension
* Post Access Door is used only when installing R3 Series grill head onto post.