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we aDvise yOu tO careFully reaD anD FOllOw tHe instructiOns in tHis Owner’s Manual BeFOre
installinG Or usinG yOur new BrOilMaster
Built-in Kit. wHen installeD anD useD as recOMMenDeD,
yOur Built-in Kit will OFFer years OF cOOKinG satisFactiOn. tHe installer sHOulD Present yOu witH
tHis Manual. Please retain it FOr Future reFerence.
reFerence tHis Manual FOr PrOPer installatiOn anD Maintenance instructiOns. iMPrOPer
installatiOn, aDjustMent, alteratiOn, service Or Maintenance can cause PersOnal injury Or
PrOPerty DaMaGe. FOr assistance Or aDDitiOnal inFOrMatiOn cOnsult a qualiFieD installer, service
aGency Or tHe Gas suPPlier.
FOr yOur saFety
iF yOu sMell Gas:
1. sHut OFF Gas tO tHe aPPliance.
2. eXtinGuisH any OPen FlaMe.
3. OPen tHe Grill liD.
4. iF ODOr cOntinues, iMMeDiately call yOur Gas suPPlier Or Fire DePartMent.
5. DO nOt tOucH electrical switcHes.
FOr yOur saFety
1. DO nOt stOre Or use GasOline Or OtHer FlaMMaBle vaPOrs anD liquiDs in tHe vicinity OF tHis Or
any OtHer aPPliance.
2. an lP cylinDer nOt cOnnecteD FOr use sHall nOt Be stOreD in tHe vicinity OF tHis Or any OtHer
FOr yOur saFety
Be careFul wHen HanDlinG Parts DurinG asseMBly anD use as tHey May cOntain sHarP eDGes.
wOrK GlOves are HiGHly recOMMenDeD tO HelP Prevent POssiBle injury.
All repair part orders should be placed through your local Broilmaster
dealer. To locate a dealer in your
area, contact Broilmaster
Customer Service at 800-851-3153 • WWW.broilmaster.com. To ensure prompt
and accurate service, please provide the following information when placing a repair part order: Model
number of your Single Door, Part Name, Part Number, and Quantity of parts needed.