Te sting the Symphony™ II Power
Management System
The Symphony II system can be tested under either utility
power or generator power. Only one priority LED and
associated remote module will be powered (ON) at a time
during test mode.
• IfTESTisnotpressedagainwithin4minutesAND
testing is being done under utility power, all managed
loads will resume operation under utility power after a
five minute delay.
• IfTESTisnotpressedagainwithin4minutesAND
testing is being done under generator power, managed
loads will be added in the priority order set for
each load.
The test procedure in generator mode is as follows:
1. Turn the utility service disconnect circuit breaker
feeding the transfer switch contactor to the
“OFF” position.
2. After transfer to generator power, verify communication
LED is green on each remote module.
3. Press the TEST button (B) on the Symphony II system
control board. The Symphony II system control board
priority 1 LED (C) and load connected to remote
module set to priority 1 will turn ON.
4. Verify signal was received by remote module set to
priority one. Follow the test guidelines for each module:
50 Amp Module: Relay contacts will be closed. Relay
and communication LED’s will be green. Appliance/load
will have power.
Low Voltage Module (Single or Dual): Verify
continuity across low voltage control wiring contacts
(A). Communication LED will be green. Appliance/load
will have power.
5. Press the TEST button on the Symphony II system
control board. The priority 1 LED and load connected to
remote module set to priority 1 will turn OFF.
50 Amp Module: If off, relay LED status is off.
Communication LED status is green.
Low Voltage Module (Single or Dual): If off, low
voltage communication LED status is green. Continuity
will not be measured across low voltage contacts.
The priority 2 LED (D) and load connected to remote
module set to priority 2 will turn ON. Repeat step 4 for
each priority number being managed.
6. Each subsequent press of the TEST button cycles to
the next lower priority, through priority 8. After priority
8, press TEST button one time to exit test mode. The
system will reset and be ready to add loads
in 5 minutes.
7. To return to utility power, turn the utility disconnect
circuit breaker to the ON position. All managed loads
will be turned off and turn back on after 5 minutes.
WARNING Testing must only be performed by
qualified personnel. Equipment contains high
voltage that could cause personal injury or death.
• Despite the safe design of the system, operating this
equipment imprudently, neglecting its maintenance or
being careless can cause possible injury or death.