1/11/07 X-Plus II User Guide 14068L-001 Rev. A
printer settings
applicator port, 86
backfeed, 82
baud, 78
control prefix, 80
data bits, 78
date, 88
delimiter character, 81
format convert, 88
format prefix, 80
head resistor, 85
head test count, 84
host handshake, 79
idle display, 88
label top, 82
language, 89
LCD, 88
left position, 83
maximum label length, 68
media type, 66
network configuration label as baseline, 62
network ID, 79
parallel communications, 78
parity, 79
print darkness, 64
print method, 66
print width, 67
protocol, 79
resynch mode, 87
saving, 59
serial communications, 78
setting through control panel, 58
start print signal, 86
time, 88
verifier port, 85
ZPL mode, 81
cleaning, 125
head close setting, 82
head resistor value setting, 85
head test count setting, 84
pressure adjustment, 53
when to clean, 124
product markings, 178
protocol setting, 79
recycling the printer, 17
registration problems, 146
relative humidity requirements, 18
remove media liner from rewind spindle, 120
replace fuse, 134
report shipping damage, 17
factory default settings, 59
network settings, 59
resynch mode setting, 87
Rewind Mode
install rewind plate, 119
loading media, 105
loading media with Cutter option, 112
Rewind mode
selecting, 65
rewind plate installation, 119
rewind spindle, 120
adhesive test, 29
determining coated side, 28
loading, 41
ordering, 3
removal, 46
ribbon LED setting, 87
scratch test, 29
specifications, 181
when to use, 28
RIBBON IN message, 140
RIBBON OUT message, 139
Ribbon S. setting, 87
ribbon sensor
calibration procedure, 77
cleaning, 128
location, 128
sensitivity calibration, 49
when to clean, 124
roll media
described, 26
routine maintenance, 123
RS-232 serial interface, 20
connections, 166
RTC (real-time clock) setting
date, 88
idle display, 88
time, 88