106 Bradyprinter 200M-e and 200M-e 300 User’s Guide
Label Backing Material Removal, 36
Loading the Media
Cutter Mode, 32
Peel-Off Mode, 28
Peel-Only Mode, 33
Rewind Mode, 30
Tear-Off Mode, 27
Lubrication, 68
Calibration, 17
Requirements, 2
Specifications, 88
Media Loading
Cutter Mode, 32
Peel-Off Mode, 28
Peel-Only Mode, 33
Rewind Mode, 30
Tear-Off Mode, 27
Media Sensor Positioning
Black Mark Sensor, 12
Transmissive Sensor, 10
Media Types
Continuous Media, 7
Non-Continuous Black Mark Media, 7
Non-Continuous Web Media, 6
Memory Card Installation, 103
Non-Continuous Black Mark Media, 7
Non-Continuous Web Media, 6
Operator Controls
Front Panel Display, 24
Front Panel Keys, 25
Front Panel Lights, 26
POWER Switch, 14, 23
Options, 83
Parallel Data Port, 102
Password-Protected Parameters, 42
PAUSE Key Self Test, 79
PCMCIA Card Installation, 103
Peel-Off Mode, 28
Peel-Only Mode, 33
Power Cord, 3
Power Line Cord Specifications, 89
POWER Switch, 14, 23
Power-On Self Test, 77
Print Modes, 8
Printer Anatomy Overview, 4
Printer Diagnostics, 77–81
Printing Specifications, 86
Reporting Damage, 1
Rewind Mode, 30
Calibration, 17
Requirements, 2
Specifications, 86
Ribbon Loading, 13, 37
Ribbon Removal, 39
RS-232 Serial Data Port, 97
Self Tests
Additional Printer Self Tests, 77
CANCEL Key, 78
Communications Diagnostics, 81
FEED Key and PAUSE Key, 81
FEED Key, 80
PAUSE Key, 79
Power-On, 77
Serial Data Port, 97–101
Setup Mode (Configuration)
Entering, 41
Leaving, 43