Leg Exercises
Muscles worked: Although the squat is often
considered a total body exercise, the glutes,
adductors, hamstrings and quads are primary
movers and the spinal erectors are key to
Pulley position: Low pulley.
Starting position:
• Remove the back support and place the seat
in free sliding position.
• Use the bar harness to adjust strap length
allowing tension at the appropriate depth.
This will require experimentation. Increase
depth slowly according to your ability, knee
conditions, etc. Most orthopedists
recommend that healthy knees not go any
lower than a 90 degree angle (between the
thigh and calf) when using extra resistance.
Many people go lower for their goals, but
this dramatically increases the risk to the
knee cartilage and increases the probability
of degenerative/arthritic changes.
• Sit on the seat facing the Power Rods and
position the bar on the traps (across the
shoulders, not on the neck). Maintain a grip
on each side of the bar.
• Flatten your back, keep your chest up and
position your feet in line with the cable/pulley.
• Place your feet wider than hip width and
point your toes outward slightly. Direct the
thighs to the same outward angle as the feet.
• While keeping your back straight, tighten
your abdominals and move to a standing
• Keep the pressure through the middle of the
arches/feet, not through the toes or heels.
• Using control, slowly squat down by sticking
the hips out as the knees start to bend. Keep
the chest up and back flat as the hips
continue to move backward.
• Lower to approximately 90 degrees at the
knees (unless otherwise determined).
• Do not return to the seat until the end of the
last repetition.
Key points:
• Keep knees pointed the same direction as the
• Keep the head/neck in line with the trunk.
• Pay close attention to all alignment and
stabilization issues on every part of each and
every repetition!
THE SQUAT — Knee Extension, Hip Extension, Ankle Plantarflexion
Muscles worked: This exercise develops
overall lower body pushing strength, primarily
emphasizing your knee extensors on the front
of your thighs (quadriceps), your hip
extensors muscles on your rear (gluteus
maximus), as well as on your inner thighs
(adductor muscle groups).
Pulley position: Narrow.
Starting position:
• Remove the bench and unlock the rowing
• Sit on the seat facing the Power Rods with
the leg press belt attached and adjusted.
Support your feet on the upright pulley
frame or foot rests as shown. The belt should
be placed around the pelvis, NOT the low
• Lift your chest, tighten your abs and
maintain a very slight arch in your lower
• Slowly straighten your legs, but do not lock
your knees.
• You may rest your hands around the sides of
the belt, on the sides of the seat, or you may
fold your arms across your chest, whichever
is more comfortable.
• Bend your knees and hips slowly allowing
yourself to slide toward the Power Rods.
• Limit your slide to a position that allows you
to still maintain good spinal posture, with
your chest lifted, abs tight and a slight arch
in your lower back.
• Slowly return to the starting position.
Key points:
• Generate the force for the leg press by
mentally directing your pushing/pressing effort
through the lower leg and squarely into the
frame of the machine. In other words, push in
the direction the calf bone is pointing
throughout the motion, rather than just
pushing your body backward. This will
decrease the shearing forces at the knee.
• Keep your knees pointed in the same
direction as your feet. DO NOT let the knees
travel inward/closer during the motion.
• Keep your spine in good posture.
• Straighten but do not
lock out” your knees.
Keep your quads tightened throughout the
entire motion.
• Do not use momentum. MOVE SLOWLY!
Do not
launch” yourself when you
straighten your knees.
LEG PRESS – Hip Extension and Knee Extension