Leg Exercises
Muscles worked: This exercise primarily develops
and strengthens the muscles on the front of
your hips (iliopsoas and rectus femoris) that are
primarily responsible for bending or flexing your
Pulley position: Narrow.
Starting position:
• Remove the bench.
• Stand on the base platform, facing away from the
Power Rods
, on one side of the bench.
• Secure the cuff around the leg farthest from the
rail, just above or just below the knee.
• Straighten, but do not lock, the knee of your
support leg.
• Keep your spine in good posture with your chest
lifted, abs tight and maintain a very slight arch in
your lower back.
• Initiate the movement by lifting your knee up and
in toward your torso.
• Allowing the knee to bend as you move, bring
your knee upward as far as you can, without
allowing ANY movement to occur at your waist or
lower back.
• Slowly return to the starting position without
resting your leg muscles.
Key points:
• Make sure all of your motion occurs at your hip,
NOT your waist or lower back.
• Keep your chest lifted and trunk muscles tight
throughout the entire exercise.
• Allow your lower leg to hang in the direction of
the cable at all times.
Standing Hip Flexion With knee flexion
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes
the hamstring muscle group (biceps femoris,
semimembranosus, semitendinosus) on the back
of the thigh.
Pulley position: Narrow.
Starting position:
• Remove the bench, unlock the seat.
• Attach one end of the belt to a pulley, sit on the
seat facing away from the Power Rods
, position
the belt around your midsection and then attach
the free end of the belt to the other pulley.
• Move forward and secure your heels over the rail
support at the end of the unit.
• Lift your chest, tighten your abdominals and
maintain a very slight arch in your lower back.
• Slowly bend your knees, pulling yourself forward
toward your feet.
• Slowly allow your legs to straighten and return to
the starting position.
Key points:
• Make sure that you straighten your legs under
control, do not allow your knees to hyper-extend.
• Keep your chest lifted, abs tight and maintain a
very slight arch in your lower back.
Seated Leg Curl Knee Flexion with Hip Flexion