EnglishDeutschFrançais DanskEspañolItalianoSvenska Nederlands DanskItalianoSvenska DeutschNederlands EnglishFrançais Español
To enter a space between words:
Spaces are entered to the right of the last character in the text line.
1. Select Space and press Enter.
2. Select the first character of your next word and press Enter.
To enter a capital letter:
The first letter of a new line of text is automatically capitalized. Lower case characters are
entered after that unless you use the Shift function.
1. Select Shift and press Enter. Notice that the alphabetic character set is now all capital
2. Select the next character and press Enter.
3. Select Shift and press Enter again if you want the next entered character to be lower
To enter a number or symbol:
1. Select the number and symbols character set.
2. Select the number or symbol you want and press Enter.
To enter a non-English special character:
1. Select the special characters set.
2. Select the special character(s) you want and press Enter.
To save the text:
•Select Done and press Enter.
To undo all edits you’ve made:
To undo changes you made to CD information, you can replace your changes with the
original music information that came stored in your system.
1. Press System on the remote.
2. Select CD Action.
3. Select Reload CD information and press Enter.
4. Press Exit.