Copyright 2009
Induction Flow Chart
There are four induction cooktop coils.
The controls for the cooktop module
consist of two burner Touch Boards
connected to and working through the
main logic board. The main logic board is
connected via the LINbus serial wire to
the cooktop module, bridge board and the
RPSM. (Relay Power Supply Module)
located on the back of the range.
The bridge board contains the surface on/
hot cooktop indicator lights. The induction
module cooling fan connection is also
located on this board. The bridge board
bridges the Linbus connections from the
filter board, main logic board along with
the RPSM.
A Fifth cooktop element is a resistive
warmer controlled by the RPSM relays.
See wiring diagrams. No relay boards or
line voltages are brought to the control