When cutting tall, heavy grass, don't try to cut
to the desired height in one pass. Set the
blades higher than the final height and make
several passes, gradually reducing grass
height. Maintain high engine speed at all
times for fast blade rotation and select
ground speed suitable for ground conditions
with the sh ift lever.
side discharge mowing deck will throw grass
clippings to the right. You can take advantage ofthis
as follows:a.
If you are going to remove clippings after you
mow, start mowing at one side of your lawn
and proceed around the lawn in a clockwise
pattern. Using this pattern, th~ discharge
chute will distribute clippings to a center spot
for easier pick-up and removal. See figure 14.
When cutting deep grass, it is recommended
that the clipping be raked off the lawn. ..or
removed with a Trail Sweep or Vac-Sweep.
Keep in mind, however, that in subsequent
passes a poor quality of cut can result because
the mower will have to cut BOTH grass and the
clippings which have been thrown toward the
center of the lawn. If the clippings are heavy
and if the grass is also heavy, the combined
load may cause the mowing deck to clog. In
such situations it is best to mow in a counter-
clockwise direction so clippings will not be
re-cut. See figure 15.
Cut the lawn before spreading fertilizer, weed
killer, etc. Otherwise the blade action will
suck up the material you have spread and
discharge it through the chute along with the
grass clippings.4.
Mow before you water the lawn. Wet grass
clippings are likely to cling to the underside
of the mowing deck housing.
Always check the gasoline supply BEFORE
you start to use the tractor to be sure you have
enough gasoline in the tank to do the entirejob.
If a refill is necessary let the engine cool
before pouring gasoline in the tank. A hot
engine can ignite gasoline, causing an
injurious explosion.
If grass develops a brown look after cutting,
the cause can be dull cutting blades... or
cutting was done at too slow a blade speed.
Keep the blades sharp and the engine at 3/4 to
full throttle.
b. If you are not going to remove grass clippings,
a mowing pattern is of no concern. However,
you should criss-cross or generously overlap
each pass to avoid missed spots. See figure
It is a good idea to have an extra set of blades
on hand. This will allow you to use the mower
while one set is being sharpened. Always
have the blades sharpened by a qualified
service Genter with proper balancing equip-
ment. For blade replacement use only the
authorized original blade, see the parts list for
the correct part number.
Where grass has been trampled, it is a good
idea to rake such areas before mowing. This
will make the grass stand up for a better cut.
If you try to cut too close to small trees the
mower can scrape or cut into the tree bark,
causing damage. It is better to adopt a policy
of cutting reasonably close to such objects
and clipping close with hand clippers.
With the rear discharge mowing deck you have
freedom of choise between the three patterns
shown here. However, overlap each pass to avoid
missed spots.