Owner service procedures
Index Data Technology Repairs Car care Controls Overview
Adding brake fluid 130
Adding coolant 129
Adding engine coolant 129
Adding oil 125
Adding washer fluid 124
Adjusting washer
nozzles 124
Air pressure 110
Antifreeze protection,
radiator 129
Backup lamps
Bulb replace-
ment 149, 150
Battery change, keys 154
Battery charge
condition 167
Battery, discharged 170
Brake lamps
Bulb replace-
ment 149, 150
Brakes, malfunctions 104
Bulb replacement 147
Changing a tire, M roadster,
M coupe 161
Changing a tire, Z3 roadster,
Z3 coupe 155
Charge condition of the
battery 167
Charging the battery 167
Checking oil level 125
Checking tire
pressure 29, 110
Clear fogged
windows 83, 88
Convertible top, electrical
defect 170
Defrosting windows 83, 88
Difficult steering 106
Doors, manual operation 36
Electrical defect
Convertible top 170
Fuel filler door 170
Emergency operation
Convertible top 170
Doors 36
Fuel filler door 170
Luggage compartment
lid 38
Engine oil grades 126
Failure of an electrical
accessory 169
Filling the windshield washer
reservoir 124
First-aid kit 27
Fittings, tow-starting and
towing 172
Flat tire, M roadster,
M coupe 162
Flat tire, Z3 roadster,
Z3 coupe 155
Front fog lamps
Bulb replacement 149
Fuel filler door, electrical
defect 170
Hazard warning flashers 26
Hazard warning triangle 26
Headlamp cover,
care 133, 147
High beams
Bulb replacement 147
Hood release 119
Indicator lamps 22
Inflation pressures 29
Interior lamps, bulb
replacement 153
Jump-starting 170
Key, battery change 154
License plate lamps
Bulb replace-
ment 152, 153
Low beam headlamps
Bulb replacement 147
Lug wrench 156
Luggage compartment lamp
Bulb replacement 153
Luggage compartment lid,
manual operation 38
M Mobility System 162
Maintenance 70, 131
Manual operation
Convertible top 41
Doors 36
Luggage compartment
lid 38
Master key, battery
change 154
Oil grades 126
Onboard tool kit 146
Owner service procedures
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