DVD Operation (Advanced)
Changing Video settings:
Picture shape, video format, picture brightness, and
picture sharpness can be set according to personal
Use left and right DIRECTION ARROW buttons to
select VIDEO from SETUP menu, and press ENTER
(highlight indicates current selection). Use up and down
DIRECTION ARROW buttons to select one of four
choices, and press ENTER.
• TV Shape: Set picture shape for different types of
monitors. (Factory default TV Shape set is ‘4:3
4:3 PAN-SCAN: Select when connected to a nor-
mal 4:3 (conventional TV aspect ratio). The pic-
ture will fill the entire monitor, however due to
mismatch in aspect ratio, parts of the movie at
extreme left and right sides will not be visible.
4:3 LETTERBOX: Select when connected to a
normal 4:3 (conventional TV aspect ratio)
monitor. There may be black stripes visible at
top and bottom of the monitor. The width of
these stripes will vary depending upon origi-
nal aspect ratio (wide range of variation) of
the theatrical release of the movie.
16:9: Select when connected to a wide screen
16:9 aspect ratio monitor.
TV Shape 4:3 Pan Scan 4:3 Pan Scan
Video Auto 4:3 Letter Box
Brightness Off 16:9
Edges Off