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kinks or cuts on it.
A WARNING - Drain hose outlet must
not contact the drained water.
Drain hose may be connected into
a sink, into the drain of a sink, to a
standpipe and floor drain.
• Whenconnectingintoasink,the
drain hose should be placed at the
edge of the sink and secured with
the hose guide supplied by the
manufacturer. Additionally, the guided
hose may be tied to the water faucet
with a strap for extra security.
• Drainhosemaybeconnectedinto
the drain of a sink . Be sure that the
connection is safe and not leaking.
An additional clip etc can be used for
safe connection.
• Drainhosemayalsobeconnectedto
a minimum 1.26 in (32 mm) diameter
stand pipe.
• Besuretosecurethedrainhose
tightly to the pipe (stand pipe, drain
pipe/edge of the sink) with a strap
• Thehoseshouldbeplacedbetween
16 and 39 in. (40 and 100 cm) from
the floor level
• Ifyouhavefloordrainsystem,you
can place the drain hose in the hole
located on the floor.
Installation Checklist
• Waterinlethosesandaccessory
bags must be removed from the
wash drum.
• Transportation/shippingboltsmust
be removed.
• Washermustbeproperlyleveledby
using the adjustable feet.
• Waterinlethosesareconnected
to the water faucets, secured and
maximum. If the pressure is higher than
145 psi, a pressure-reducing valve must
be installed before the water inlet. If the
water pressure is lower than 15 psi (1
bar), water fill time may extend or water
inlet valve may shut off completely.
• Hotwatersupplytemperaturemust
not exceed 140˚F (60˚C). (Ideally
120˚F (48˚C))
• Donotconnectthewashertoan
unpressurized water boiler since
water pressure may not be adequate
for proper operation.
• Donotremovethefilterslocated
on the water supply hoses (on
faucet/hose and hose/inlet valve
• Alwaysusegenuine“Blomberg”
water supply hoses when connecting
with this washer. Old or worn-out
hoses must not be reused. It is
not advised to extend inlet or drain
hoses, if necessary consult your
dealer or technical service about
hose extensions.
• Hotandcoldwaterfaucetsmust
always be easily accessible to the
• Attheendofawashingday,turnoff
water faucets to prevent any leakage
or water damage that may occur due
to a faulty condition of the appliance.
• Checktheapplianceandinlethose
connections for water leakage after
each use. If there is leakage, turn off
the appliance and water faucets and
call service.
• Checkthewaterinletanddrainhose
connections regularly for any leakage.
Hoses should be replaced every 5
• Ifthereisnohotwatersupply,hot
water valve must be connected to a
cold water faucet nevertheless. Both
water valves should be connected to
water supply for proper operation of
your washer.
A WARNING - Drain hose should not
be bent. Be sure that there are no