Positioning your projector
Installation for a 4:3 ratio screen
The illustrations and table below are provided for those users who already have 4:3 aspect ratio screens or intend
to purchase 4:3 aspect ratio screens to view 16:9 ratio projected images.
4:3 (standard) ratio screen dimension table:
The above numbers are approximate and may be slightly different from the actual measurements. Only the
recommended screen sizes are listed. If the your screen size is not in the table above, please contact your
BenQ dealer for assistance.
An examination of the table reveals that you can place the projector lens in the range from 1.82 to 12.57m
distance from the screen, which will give you a projected image from 50" (1.02 x 0.76m) to 300" (6.1 x 4.57m).
Shifting the projection lens vertically
The vertical lens shift control provides flexibility for installing your
projector. It allows the projector to be positioned slightly above or below
the top level of the projected images.
The lens shift (offset) is expressed as a percentage of the projected image
height. It is measured as an offset from the projected image's vertical center.
The projector is equipped with + 100% vertical lens shift. You can shift the
projection lens upwards or downwards within the allowable range depending on your desired image position.
When the LENS button on the remote control or LENS SHIFT buttons (c or d) on the projector is pressed, an
adjustment bar displays on the screen.
To raise the projected image, press the Lens Shift c button on the projector or the c button
on the remote control.
To lower the projected image, press the Lens Shift d button on the projector or the d
button on the remote control.
Image Height
Projection Distance
Center of the lens
Ceiling Installation
Projection Distance
Image Height
Center of the lens
Floor Installation
Screen Dimensions (inch / cm) Projection Distance (inch / cm)
Diagonal Width Height
Min distance (with
max zoom)
Max distance (with min
50 / 127.0 40 / 101.6 30 / 76.2 71.7 / 182.2 82.5 / 209.5
60 / 152.4 48 / 121.9 36 / 91.4 86.1 / 218.6 99.0 / 251.4
70 / 177.8 56 / 142.2 42 / 106.7 100.4 / 255.0 115.5 / 293.3
80 / 203.2 64 / 162.6 48 / 121.9 114.7 / 291.4 132.0 / 335.2
90 / 228.6 72 / 182.9 54 / 137.2 129.1 / 327.9 148.4 / 377.1
100 / 254.0 80 / 203.2 60 / 152.4 143.4 / 364.3 164.9 / 419.0
110 / 279.4 88 / 223.5 66 / 167.6 157.8 / 400.7 181.4 / 460.9
120 / 304.8 96 / 243.8 72 / 182.9 172.1 / 437.2 197.9 / 502.7
130 / 330.2 104 / 264.2 78 / 198.1 186.5 / 473.6 214.4 / 544.6
140 / 355.6 112 / 284.5 84 / 213.4 200.8 / 510.0 230.9 / 586.5
150 / 381.0 120 / 304.8 90 / 228.6 215.1 / 546.5 247.4 / 628.4
160 / 406.4 128 / 325.1 96 / 243.8 229.5 / 582.9 263.9 / 670.3
170 / 431.8 136 / 345.4 102 / 259.1 243.8 / 619.3 280.4 / 712.2
180 / 457.2 144 / 365.8 108 / 274.3 258.2 / 655.8 296.9 / 754.1
190 / 482.6 152 / 386.1 114 / 289.6 272.5 / 692.2 313.4 / 796.0
200 / 508.0 160 / 406.4 120 / 304.8 286.9 / 728.6 329.9 / 837.9
250 / 635.0 200 / 508.0 150 / 381.0 358.6 / 910.8 412.4 / 1047.4
300 / 762.0 240 / 609.6 180 / 457.2 430.3 / 1092.9 494.8 / 1256.9
Vertical center of
the image
Lens Shift