Using the Joybee 150 Digital Audio Player Software 29
4. Click the B
rowse... button next to the L
yric Folder drop-down menu and select the
directory where the corresponding lyrics files are located. Click the L
YR radio button on
the right.
5. Click the B
rowse... button next to the O
utput Folder drop-down menu and select the
directory where converted .mpr files will be located.
6. Click the
Convert button to start converting selected files. You will be prompted by a
message box when the operation is finished.
During the batch conversion process, the Lyrics Editing and Conversion Tool will combine the song file that has
the same file name as that of the .lyr file and convert them into a .mpr file. If the names do not match, the soft-
ware will go on to convert the next file. Therefore, please note that an MP3 song file must have the same name as
that of the .lyr file for conversion. Otherwise, mismatch or errors may occur.
Batch Converting .txt eBook Files
Pure text (.txt) files may be encoded with the following encoding formats: ANSI, Unicode
and UTF-8. However, the Joybee 150 Digital Audio Player supports only the ANSI and
Unicode ones. The .txt file conversion tool of the Lyrics Editing and Conversion Tool is
provided to convert your .txt eBook files into acceptable files using the supported encoding
formats. (Unicode encoded .txt files can not be displayed normally in Windows 98).
1. Click C
onvert on the menu bar and select B
atch convert to txt. The following window will
appear on the screen.
2. Click the A
dd... button to browse for and select the .txt files. You can select multiple .txt
files at once.
3. Click the B
rowse... button next to the O
utput Folder drop-down menu and select the
directory where converted .txt files will be located.
4. Click the
Convert button to start converting selected files. You will be prompted by a
message box when the operation is finished.
Using the Startup/Shutdown Screen Editing Tool
With the Startup/Shutdown Screen Editing Tool, you can customize the startup/shutdown
screen of the Joybee 150 Digital Audio Player.