10. Troubleshooting (continued)
8. Click “OK”. Note: You may need your Windows 95/98 CD.
9. Restart Windows when prompted.
10. When the computer boots up again and you are asked for a
user name and password, DO NOT click “Cancel”. Either
use your password or just click “OK”.
11. If you still cannot see other PCs on the network, please
contact Belkin Technical Support.
PROBLEM: In Windows 2000, I can see other computers
but I cannot access them.
If you can see computers, but cannot access them, go to the
“Control Panel” and select “Users and Passwords”. Select the
“Advanced” tab and click the “Advanced” button. Then click
on the “Users” folder. If the “Guest” file has a red X on it, it is
currently disabled. Click on that file and remove the X to enable
it. Click “Apply” and try accessing the computers on the
network again.
PROBLEM: Windows gives an error message and
won’t allow me to install the driver because it is not
digitally signed.
Right-click on “My Computer”, located on your desktop.
Choose “Properties” and select the “Hardware” tab. Select
“Driver Signing” and make sure “Block-Prevent installation of
unsigned files” is not selected.