User’s Manual
57 / EN
7 Troubleshooting
Programme cannot be started or selected.
etc.).>>>Press and hold Start / Pause / Cancel button for 3 seconds to reset the machine to factory settings.
(See "Cancelling the programme")
Water in the machine.
>>>This is not a failure; water is not harmful to the machine.
There is water leaking from the bottom of the machine.
•Likelyproblemswithhosesorthepumpfilter.>>>Be sure the seals of the water inlet hoses are securely
fitted. Attach the hose to the tap tightly.
•Pumpfiltermightnotbeclosedfully.>>>Check if the pump filter is completely closed.
Machine does not fill with water.
•Tapisturnedoff.>>>Open the taps.
•Waterinlethoseisbent.>>>Correct the hose.
•Waterinletfilterisclogged.>>>Clean the filter.
•Theloadingdoorisajar.>>>Close the Loading Door.
Machine does not drain water.
•Waterdrainhosemightbecloggedortwisted.>>>Clean or flatten the hose.
•Pumpfilterisclogged.>>>Clean the pump filter.
Machine vibrates or makes noise.
•Machinemightbestandingunbalanced.>>>Adjust the feet to level the machine.
•Ahardsubstancemighthaveenteredintothepumpfilter.>>>Clean the pump filter.
•Transportationsafetyboltsarenotremoved.>>>Remove the transportation safety bolts.
•Laundryquantityinthemachinemightbetoolittle.>>>Add more laundry to the machine.
•Machinemightbeoverloadedwithlaundry.>>>Take out some of the laundry from the machine or distribute
the load by hand to balance it homogenously in the machine.
•Machinemightbeleaningonarigiditem.>>>Check if the machine is not leaning on anything.
Machine stopped shortly after the programme started.
•Machinemighthavestoppedtemporarilyduetolowvoltage.>>>It will resume running when the voltage
restores to the normal level.
Machine directly discharges the water it takes in.
•Draininghosemightnotbeatadequateheight.>>>Connect the water draining hose as described in the
operation manual.
No water can be seen in the machine during washing.
Loading door cannot be opened.
•Doorlockisactivatedbecauseofthewaterlevelinthemachine.>>>Drain the water by running the
Pump or Spin programme.
•Machineisheatingupthewateroritisatthespinningcycle.>>>Wait until the programme completes.
cometoanend.>>>Wait for a couple of minutes for deactivation of the door lock.