The journey to stars and planets begins with BARSKA. BARSKA’s
Starwatcher telescopes are ideal entry-level telescopes for the aspiring
amateur astronomer. The refractor and reector telescope models are
easy to set up and include everything necessary to begin the adventure
for a lifetime including telescope, nderscope, eyepieces, mount and
tripod. Each Starwatcher telescope also includes our new Beginner’s
version of the highly popular Deepsky Astronomy Software. It’s packed
with many features that novice users as well as experienced users will
appreciate and includes a searchable database of over 10,000+ objects
including, nebulae, star clusters, double stars, variable stars, and other
types. Simply load it on to your PC and begin your journey to the stars
and planets!
STARWATCHER | Telescopes
60050, 450 Power
Mount: Pan-head
It superimposes a tiny
red dot at innity on the
night sky, and shows
you exactly where your
telescope is pointed.
70060, 525 Power
Mount: Altazimuth with slow
motion altitude controls
80060, 600 Power
Mount: Altazimuth with slow
motion altitude controls
90060, 675 Power
Equatorial Mount
With setting circles and
dual slow motion
adjustment cables
• A searchable database of over 10,000+ objects including, nebulae,
star clusters, double stars, variable stars, and other types
• Interactive star charts showing stars
to magnitude 15.5.
• A “What’s Up Wizard” that will
create a list of objects showing
what’s currently visible at the
observer’s location
• An observing planner, which
assists the observer in nding
and organizing a target list
of objects for an upcoming
observing session
• Information on the sun, moon,
planets, comets, asteroids and a
detailed of Mars and moon map
• Over 10,000 images of deep sky
objects and much more
2011 BARSKA Sport Optics Catalog | Telescopes
For detailed product specifications and images visit: www.barska.com
Deepsky Astronomy Software
BARSKA’s Beginner version of the highly popular Deepsky Astronomy
Software is packed with many features that novice users as well as
experienced users will appreciate. Simply load it on to your PC and
begin your journey to the stars and planets! Primary features include: