
Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide 25
Using Your Wishlist
Your Wishlist is like a shopping cart on your NOOK. You can add books, magazines, newspapers, and apps to your
Wishlist so you can buy them later.
NOTE: The Wishlist on your NOOK is separate from the Wishlist on the BN.com Web site. Your Wishlist on
BN.com can include paper books and other items, as well as NOOK books, magazines, and newspa-
pers for your NOOK. The Wishlist on your NOOK includes only items that you can purchase for your
NOOK–books, periodicals, comics and graphic novels, and apps.
Adding to Your Wishlist
To add a book, magazine, or newspaper to your Wishlist, do this:
1. For books and periodicals, tap on the item’s cover to display the Details page. For apps, tap on the picture of the
app to display the Details page.
2. On the Details page, tap on the checkbox labeled Add to Wishlist.
Your NOOK adds the item to your Wishlist.
Viewing Your Wishlist
To view your Wishlist, do this:
1. Tap the My Account button in the upper right corner of the Shop.
The Shop opens a pull-down menu.
2. Tap the My Wishlist menu choice
The Shop displays your current Wishlist.
Your Wishlist shows all the books, periodicals, and apps you have added to your Wishlist. For each item, you’ll see:
• the cover
• the title
• the price
• the date you added the item to the Wishlist.
Buying from Your Wishlist
To buy an item on your Wishlist, display the list and tap the price button next to the item’s name. Tap the Confirm
button to complete your purchase.