52 Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide
The Category Menu
The category menu (sometimes called the filter menu) is a pull-down menu in the upper left corner of the Library lets
you select the Library contents you want to display.
Choices include:
• All - shows everything in your Library
• Books - shows only books
• Newsstand - shows only magazines and newspapers (this menu choice appears only if you have purchased
magazines or newspapers)
• LendMe - shows only books eligible for lending and books that you have borrowed (this menu choice appears
only if you have lendable books or if you have borrowed books)
• Shelves - shows any books, magazines, and newspapers that you have organized on shelves
• Archived - shows any books or periodicals you have archived (this menu choice appears only if you have once
archived any books or periodicals)
• My Files - shows any files, such as EPUB or PDF files, that you have transferred from your personal computer to
your NOOK
The picture below shows an example of the category menu.
The Category Menu.