Axiom Line User Guide
To recall any memory you have stored:
49- and 61-note versions:
< Press the Recall button.
< Enter the number of the memory location (1 to 20) using the numeric keypad.
25-note version:
< Press the Advanced button.
< Press the Recall button.
< Enter the number of the memory location (1 to 20) using the numeric data entry keys.
< Press the Enter key to confirm.
< Press the Recall button.
< Use the -/+ buttons to increment, decrement the currently selected memory.
3.2.1 Control Groups
The controls on your Axiom are separated into four groups (three on the 25-note version), labeled A, B, C and D (or A, B and C
on the 25-note version). It is possible to recall or store each group individually. The controls are grouped as follows:
Group A: Group B: Group C: Group D (49 note and 61 note versions only):
Eight encoders Eight trigger pads Nine sliders
Pitch Bend wheel Six transport controls Nine assignable buttons
Modulation wheel Drawbar mode setting
Expression pedal
Aftertouch strip
Sustain pedal
Zone settings*
Global Channel setting
MIDI Out from USB setting
Program, Bank LSB, MSB settings
* For more details on Zone settings, please see section 3.6.
The active groups during store and recall of memories are indicated on the LCD display. The Zone/Group button is used to select
which groups are active. If Zone/Group is active, the LED will light inside the Zone/Group button.
On the 49- and 61-note versions, when Zone/Group is active, the group buttons A, B, C and D (located below faders D13 through
D16) are used to activate/deactivate Groups A-D, as the LCD screen shows.
On the 25-note version, when Zone/Group is active, the STOP, PLAY and REC buttons are used to activate/deactivate Groups A-C,
as the LCD display shows.
You can switch Zones and Groups on and off by pressing the Zone/Group button followed by the chosen Zone or Group buttons.
When you enable a single group, the other two (or three) groups are automatically disabled. To enable multiple groups, press the
respective group buttons at the same time.
Whenever you engage the Recall or Store functions, you will notice that Zone/Group select becomes active automatically.
If you press the Store button, all groups will be active by default to prevent any risk of some of the controllers you have set up
getting missed. However, if you do not wish to store all controller groups together, you can activate the desired combination of
controller groups by simultaneously pressing their respective group buttons immediately after pressing Store.