Single port PS2 KVM over IP
The three-stage firmware update process and complete consistency check are making a
mistake in updating the firmware almost impossible. However, only experienced staff members
or administrators should perform a firmware update. Make sure PS/2 KVM over IP switch’s
power supply won’t be interrupted!
5.8.3 Reset Functions
This section allows to reset specific parts of the device. Currently this
involves the keyboard/mouse emulation and the video engine. The PS/2 KVM over IP switch
continues the operation after the reset is done.
5.8.4 Reset PS/2 KVM over IP switch This part allows you to reset PS/2 KVM over IP switch.
This function is mainly needed to activate a newly updated firmware. A reset will close all current
connections to the administration console or to the Remote Console. The whole process will take
about half a minute.
5.9 Access via Telnet
The PS/2 KVM over IP switch firmware features a Telnet server that enables a user to connect
via a standard Telnet client. It is used for passthrough access to a device possibly connected to
the serial port 1. This means you may connect any serial device which offers terminal access via
its serial port to PS/2 KVM over IP switch and access it using the Telnet interface. Set the serial
settings (see Section 5.6) according to the requirements of the device.
Connecting to PS/2 KVM over IP switch is done as usual and as required by the Telnet client, for
instance in a UNIX shell:
This will prompt for username and password in order to log into the card. The credentials that
need to be entered for authentication are identical to those of the web interface. That means, the
user management of the Telnet interface is entirely controlled with the according functions of the
web interface.
Once you have successfully logged in PS/2 KVM over IP switch will present you the command
line where you can enter according management commands.
In general, the Telnet interface supports two operation modes: the command line mode and the
terminal mode. The command line mode is used to control or display some parameters. In
terminal mode the pass-through access to serial port 1 is activated (if the serial settings were
made accordingly). All inputs are redirected to the device on serial port 1 and its answers are
displayed at the Telnet interface
The following list shows the according command mode command syntax and their usage.
. help
Shows the list of the following commands
. cls
Clear screen
. logout
Logs out the current user and disconnects from the client
. version