Chapter 3: Web Manager for All Users 39
Features of Regular Users’ Windows
Figure 3.2 shows features of the Web Manager that appear when regular users log in.
Figure 3.2: User Options on the Web Manager
A menu of options appears on the left. The fields, buttons and menus in the screen area in the
middle differ according to which option is selected.
MergePoint 5224/5240 appliance administrators see the same list of options shown in Figure 3.2
under the administrator’s Access tab. The Access tab is one of multiple tabs that are available on
the Web Manager whenever an administrator logs in. Administrators can refer to the MergePoint
5224/5240 Service Processor Manager Installer and Administrator Guide for more details.
Using the Target Devices Screen
The Target devices screen lists device groups and individual target devices that are not in groups
for every target device the user is authorized to access. Clicking the plus (+) sign next to the name
of a group expands the list of target device entries. Clicking a minus (-) sign hides the list of target
device entries.
The entry for each target device has the following:
Screen Area
Left Menu
on an
Help Button