Chapter 3: Operations 27
To enable both Telnet and SSH connections:
Issue a Server Security command, indicating Encrypt=SSH,None.
Telnet CLI mode
While you are connected to an attached serial device, you may enter CLI mode
and enter CCM commands.
To enter or exit CLI mode when connected to a serial device:
1. To enter CLI mode, type the CLI access character, which is Ctrl-D by
default. At the CLI prompt (>), you may enter CCM commands.
2. To exit CLI mode and return to the session with the attached device, issue
a Resume command.
For more information, see Resume Command in Chapter 5.
To change the CLI access character:
Issue a Server CLI command or a Port Set command, using the Char parameter
to specify the CLI access character.
- or -
If you issue a Port Set command with Char=None, then the CLI access
character specified in the Server CLI command will be used. The Port Set
command may be used to override the Server CLI access character on a
per-port basis. For more information, see Server CLI command and Port Set
command in Chapter 5.
To display CLI access character information:
Issue a Show Server CLI command.
For more information, see Show Server CLI command in Chapter 5.
Ending device sessions
To end your device session:
Enter CLI mode and issue a Quit command or a User Logout command.