76 CCM840/1640 Installer/User Guide
Show User command
The Show User command displays information about one or all users.
Access right: SMON
SHOW USER [<username>|ALL]
Show User Command Parameter
Parameter Description
<username> Username.
Default: user currently logged in
ALL Requests a display of all defi ned users.
The Show User command display for one user includes the information in the
following table.
Show User Command Display Fields
Field Contents
User Username.
Level User’s access level. If a level was not confi gured, access rights
determine the level:
Users with SCON access => APPLIANCEADMIN.
Users with USER but not SCON => ADMIN.
Otherwise, USER level is assigned.
Access User’s access rights.
Locked YES if user is locked-out, NO if not.
Last Login System up time value when the user logged in.
Port Serial port to which user is connected.
Username Username.
Duration Duration of user’s session.
Socket Telnet CCM socket number.
From Socket Telnet client IP address and socket number.