Chapter 3 - Using CyROS Menus 18
Chapter 3 Using CyROS Menus
This chapter explains CyROS menu navigation and special keys. There are four ways to interact with CyROS:
• Traditional menu interface using a console or Telnet session,
• CyROS Management Utility based on interactive HTML pages,
• Front-panel display,
• SNMP (explained in the CyROS Reference Manual).
Connection Using the Console Cable and a Computer or Terminal
The first step is to connect a computer or terminal to the router using the console cable. If using a computer,
HyperTerminal can be used in the Windows operating system or kermit in the Unix operating system. The termi-
nal parameters should be set as follows:
• Serial Speed: 9600 bps
• Data Length: 8 bits
• Parity: None
• Stop Bits: 1 stop bit
• Flow Control: Hardware flow control
Once the console connection is correctly established, a Cyclades banner and login prompt should appear on the
terminal screen. If nothing appears, see the first section of the troubleshooting appendix for help. The second
step is to log in. The preset super-user user ID is “super” and the corresponding preset password is “surt”. The
password should be changed as soon as possible, as described in chapter 13 of the installation manual and at the
end of every example in chapter 4. The login prompt and main menu are shown in Figure 3.1.