Port Access and Configuration
By default, all serial ports and the AUX/Modem port are disabled. The administrator must enable
and configure the ports before anyone can use them. Configuration of ports differs based on the
type of connected device, which can be either a device console, a PDU or modem.
By default, all users can access all enabled and configured ports. The administrator must decide
whether to restrict user access to ports by the assignment of authorizations to user groups. A user
who is in an authorized group is referred to as an authorized user.
Some port configuration tasks are provided as examples of how to use the CLI. See the Cyclades
ACS 6000 Installation/Administration/User Guide for an overview of the tasks the administrator
must do to configure restricted access to ports. For more information about how to follow the Web
Manager procedures in the CLI, see Configuration Tasks Performed With the CLI on page 3.
This section describes the following tasks related to port access, configuration, power management
and where the tasks are performed in the CLI.
Table 2.1: Port Access and Configuration Tasks
Task Where Performed
View information about the console server and
the connected devices
topology show
Authorized users access enabled and
configured ports
topology connect <port>
Authorized users manage power on outlets topology/<PDU_ID>/outlets
Administrators configure ports connected to the
consoles of devices
NOTE: See Chapter 3 for all Appliance Settings options.