82 CPS Installer/User Guide
Appendix C: Supported Traps
The CPS appliance supports the following MIB2 traps:
• authenticationFailure
• linkUp
• linkDown
Table C.1 lists the supported enterprise traps. The Avocent web site, www.avocent.com, contains
the complete trap MIB.
Table C.1: CPS Appliance Enterprise Traps
Trap Description and Variable(s)
The CPS appliance is rebooting.
Variable: command issued by username
A user logged in to the CPS appliance.
Variable: username
A user logged out of the CPS appliance.
Variable: username.
A serial session has started.
Variables: username, server name and port number.
A serial session has stopped.
Variables: username, server name and port number.
Another user has terminated a serial session.
Variables: command issued by username, terminated username, server name and
port number.
The CPS appliance has started an image upgrade.
Variables: command issued by username, image type (boot or application), new
version number, current version number.
An image upgrade has ended.
Variables: result, upgrade was initiated by username, upgrade image type (boot or
application), upgrade version number and running version number. (If the upgrade
was successful, the two version numbers will match.)
A new user has been added to the CPS appliance user database.
Variables: command issued by username and new username.
A user has been deleted from the CPS appliance user database.
Variables: command issued by username and deleted username.
A user’s definition has been modified in the CPS appliance user database.
Variables: command issued by username and modified username.