86 CCM Installer/User Guide
The following command turns on all sockets on the SPC power control device attached to port 6 of
the CCM appliance. The sockets will turn on based on their Offmin values.
spc 6 socket all on
User Commands
The User command has several forms, as listed in Table 5.41.
Table 5.40: SPC Socket Command Parameters
Parameter Description
Port number, port name or All, which indicates that the settings/operations that follow
should be applied to all ports configured as TD=SPC. If the name contains spaces, it
must be enclosed in double quotes.
SOCKET <socket> Socket number.
State that the socket will enter when the SPC device is powered up.
Default = On
Minimum amount of time that a socket will stay on before it may be turned off. The value
may be specified with S for seconds, M for minutes or H for hour. Valid values are:
0S, 15S, 30S, 45S, 60S, 75S, 90S, 105S.
1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 10M, 15M, 30M, 60M.
1 H.
Default = 0S
Minimum amount of time that a socket will stay off before it may be turned on. The value
may be specified with S for seconds, M for minutes or H for hour. Valid values are:
0S, 15S, 30S, 45S, 60S, 75S, 90S, 105S.
1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 10M, 15M, 30M, 60M.
1 H.
Default = 0S
ON causes the specified socket(s) to turn on (after the time specified in Offmin).
OFF causes the specified socket(s) to turn off (after the time specified in Onmin).
REBOOT causes the specified socket(s) to turn off, then on.
Table 5.41: User Command Summary
Command Description
User Add Adds a new user to the user database.
User Delete Deletes a user from the user database.
User Logout Terminates a user’s active session.
User Set Changes a user’s configuration information.