40 AutoView 3008/3016 Switch Installer/User Guide
• Whether an Administrator has configured global connection sharing (Automatic Sharing,
Exclusive Connections and Stealth Connections all are configurable options that require
sharing to be enabled)
To connect to target devices when sharing is enabled:
1. Log into the OBWI as any user configured for access to one or more target devices. The
Explorer window appears with the Connections tab active.
2. Click the name of a target device. A Video Session Viewer information dialog box briefly
appears followed by a status dialog box.
3. If another user does not have an active KVM session with the target device, the Video Viewer
window appears.
If another user has an active KVM session with the target device, and sharing is not enabled, or
if the number of port sessions has been exceeded, a message window displays and you are
denied access to the target device.
4. If sharing is enabled, you can have several options depending on your access rights and on
whether session sharing, session preemption, or Stealth Connections are enabled.
• If you have Appliance Administrator rights, you can share any session, preempt the
session, or observe the session with stealth connections.
• If you have User Administrator rights, you can share the session, preempt the session, or
observe the session with Stealth Connections only if your rights are the same as or higher
than the primary user.
Table 4.3: Session Sharing Definitions
Term Definition
Automatic Sharing Secondary users can share a KVM session without first requesting
permission from primary users.
Exclusive Connections Primary users can designate a KVM session as an exclusive
connection that cannot be shared.
Stealth Connections Stealth connections allow undetected viewing of KVM sessions.
Secondary users with Appliance Administrator rights can create
stealth connections to any KVM session. Secondary users with User
Administrator rights can create stealth connections when their access
rights are the same as or higher than the rights of the primary user.
Stealth permissions follow preemption permissions.
Preempt Mode Secondary users with Appliance Administrator rights can preempt
sessions. Secondary users with User Administrator rights can
preempt sessions only when their access rights are the same as or
higher than the rights of the primary user.