Chapter 3: Basic Operations 23
Figure 3.4: Names Dialog Box
NOTE: If the server list changes, the mouse cursor will turn into an hourglass as the list is automatically updated. No
mouse or keyboard input will be accepted until the list update is complete.
To assign names to servers:
1. In the Names dialog box, select a server name or port number and click Modify. The Name
Modify dialog box displays.
Figure 3.5: Name Modify Dialog Box
2. Type a name in the New Name box. Names of servers may be up to 15 characters long. Supported
characters include: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, space and hyphen.
3. Click OK to transfer the new name to the Names dialog box. Your selection is not saved until
you click OK in the Names dialog box.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each server in the system.
5. Click OK in the Names dialog box to save your changes.
Click X or press
Escape to exit the dialog box without saving changes.