Using the Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter
Avaya Remote Supervisor Adapter User Guide 37
November 2003
System alerts
System alerts are generated for events that occur as a result of a system error. See Table 5, System Alerts,
on page 37 for an explanation of system alerts.
3 Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Monitored Local Events
The monitored local events are recorded in the event log within the RSA. These events are not sent to the
administered alarm recipients.
Table 5: System Alerts
Pager Code
Event Action
20 POST timeout [default: Enabled]: Generates an alert if the POST timeout
value is exceeded. To configure the POST timeout value,
select System Settings in the navigation pane, Server
Time-outs, POST watchdog. Select a value from the drop-
down menu. Click Save on the bottom of the screen to save
the POST Watchdog setting.
21 O/S timeout [default: Enabled]: Generates an alert if the O/S timeout
value is exceeded. To configure the O/S timeout value,
select System Settings in the navigation pane, Server
Timeouts, O/S watchdog. Select a value from the drop-
down menu. Click Save on the bottom of the screen to save
the O/S Watchdog setting.
22 Test alert Generates a manual alert if the Generate Test Alert button
is selected.
23 Power off [default: Enabled]: Generates an alert if the S8500 Media
Server is turned off.
24 Power on [default: Enabled]: Generates an alert if the S8500 Media
Server is turned on.
25 Boot failure [default: Enabled]: Generates an alert if an error occurs
that prevents the S8500 Media Server from booting up.
26 Loader timeout [default: Enabled]: Generates an alert if the Loader
timeout value is exceeded. To configure the Loader timeout
value, select System Settings in the navigation pane,
Server Timeouts, Loader Watchdog. Select a value from
the drop-down menu. Click Save on the bottom of the
screen to save the Loader Watchdog setting.
27 PFA notification [default: Enabled]: Generates an alert if a PFA notification
is generated by the S8500 Media Server hardware.
Not used.