Chapter 16 Managing an ELAN
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 219
Creating an ELAN client mapping
When you create a new ELAN client mapping to a specific ELAN, first you must
decide whether it is a single LEC or a group of LECs that is to be mapped.
You must then decide what type of ELAN mapping to use. Possible mapping types
• An ATM address: the mappings refer to a specific LEC or a group of LECs.
• An alias ELAN name: the mappings refer to a specific LEC or a group of LECs.
• A MAC address: the mappings always refer to a specific LEC.
To create a new client mapping for a LEC ATM address, use the lane elan
client create atm
M15-155s8:/>lane elan client create atm <address value> <address mask> <ELAN name>
Example 1:
Example 2:
The following example shows how to map a specific LEC to the ELAN accounts_elan:
M15-155s8:/>lane elan client create atm
This example shows how to map all LECs whose addresses begin with a specific prefix to the
ELAN accounts_elan:
M15-155s8:/>lane elan client create atm
39.84.0F.80.01.BC.61.DF. 13 accounts_elan
The full 20-byte ATM address.
<address mask> The portion of the <address value> that needs to match the LEC's ATM
address for the mapping to apply.
The <address mask> is either entered as a number, (for example, 15
indicates that the first 15 bytes of the <address value> is to be masked),
or you can use FF to indicate the byte of the <address value> that is to be
masked and 00 to indicate the byte of the <address value> that is not
masked. When using the mask as a number, note that the number of
bytes entered in the address value should be limited to this number.
<ELAN name> The name of the ELAN known to the LECS.