Issue 3 November 2006 5
About the EU24/EU24BL Expansion Module
The EU24/EU24BL Expansion Module is an optional device that extends the number of call
appearances and Feature buttons available on the telephone. The EU24 and EU24BL
Expansion Modules are identical in terms of features and functionality. The EU24BL has a
backlit display area and is used with different telephone models than the EU24, which does not
have a backlit display.
Use the EU24 with these Avaya telephones:
● 2420 Digital Telephone
● 4620/4620SW IP Telephone
● 4625SW IP Telephone
Use the EU24BL with these Avaya telephones:
● 4621SW IP Telephone
● 4622SW IP Telephone
The expansion module has 24 buttons arranged in two columns. Depending on how they have
been programmed for your call processing system, these buttons can be call appearances,
which are lines for incoming and outgoing calls, or features like Call Forwarding.
Issue Date
This document was issued for the first time in May, 2002. This document was revised for
Issue 2 in April, 2005 to include the EU24BL Expansion Module. Procedures to adjust the
expansion module’s contrast and its viewing angle were also added for Issue 2.
This document was revised in November, 2006 for software Release 2.7 to add the 4625SW IP