Page 34 - Function Key Programming Function Keys
Page 34 - Function Keys IP Office 2420 + EU24 User’s Guide
Function Key Programming 40DHB0002UKEG – Issue 4 (9th February 2004)
Dirct - Dial Direct
Connects a call to the target extension without any ringing.
This function requires the target extension number to be entered when programmed.
That number is then shown next to Dirct. The target extension must be capable of
auto-answering. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Dial | Dial Direct]
DNDOn - Do Not Disturb On
Puts the extension into 'do not disturb' (no calls) mode.
This function does not required any data to be entered when programmed. This
function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
Pressing DNDOn toggles the extension's do not disturb state. When on, DNDOn is
shown with a
symbol and the display includes an N (No calls).
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb
See also:
• SAC - Send All Calls (!)on page 53.
DNDOf - Do Not Disturb Off
Takes the extension out of 'do not disturb' (no calls) mode.
This function does not required any data to be entered when programmed. This
function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
Pressing DNDOf switches the extension's do not disturb state off.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb
DNDX+ - Do Not Disturb Exception Add
Adds the specified number to the extension's do not disturb exception list.
This function requires entry of the calling number when programmed. That number is
then shown next to DNDX+. This function cannot be programmed through the phone
by the user.
DNDX+ adds the set number to the extension's do not disturb exception
list. That number can then call the extension and transfer calls to the extension even
when the extension is in do not disturb mode.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb
Exception Add]
DNDX- - Do Not Disturb Exception Delete
Removes the specified number from the extension's do not disturb exception list.
This function requires entry of the calling number when programmed. That number is
then shown next to DNDX-. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by
the user.
DNDX- adds the set number to the extension's do not disturb exception
list. That number can then call the extension and transfer calls to the extension even
when the extension is in do not disturb mode.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Do Not Disturb | Do Not Disturb
Exception Del]