AMIS Analog Networking 1 Introduction
555-233-001 — Issue 2 — November 2000
AMIS Analog Networking
The Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) Analog Networking feature
lets subscribers exchange voice mail messages with voice messaging systems
anywhere in the world, provided those systems also have AMIS analog networking
capabilities. The Message Delivery feature allows subscribers to send recorded
messages to any touch-tone telephone, including a residence telephone.
AMIS Networking involves:
• Establishing machine names
• Administration of dial strings for all AMIS nodes
• Administration of address ranges
• Testing with other vendors (this requires test mailboxes with password access)
• Post-implementation support for five consecutive business days, with the
understanding that the translations have not been changed or modified by the
Customers implementing AMIS or TCP/IP networking should consider using the
Node Implementation and Testing Offer which includes administration and testing of
end points. Ask your service representative for details.
Customers who currently have DCP networking installed will need to
purchase an Interchange to facilitate the TCP/IP-DCP conversion.
DEFINITY ONE’s TCP/IP design is targeted for Mach 4 and above
systems. Systems using IP55 TCP/IP will not function with DEFINITY
DEFINITY ONE’s major components include a TN744 call classifier board, and a
new processor board, the TN795. This circuit pack contains:
• Windows NT 4.0 operating system with on-board Pentium processor chip
• Motorola processor running application firmware
• NT to firmware interface
• Tone clock functionality equivalent to a TN2182 circuit pack
• AUDIX software with virtual AUDIX ports
Compact modular cabinet
The 10-slot cabinet weighs 50-60 lbs. (fully loaded) and is approximately 11 x 25 x
25 inches. It includes slots for circuit packs and a power supply and supports up to
168 ports. Both shelves (see Figure 1-1 on page 1-7) have five slots (1-5 on the
bottom shelf and 6-10 on the top shelf). The TN795 circuit pack must be in slot 2. The
cabinet is designed for wall mounting, but can be floor- or table-mounted. See Figure
1-1 on page 1-7.