About LEDs
Each function, partner or destination key has two LEDs, one green and one red, to indicate
the status of the function or partner. The status is identified by whether the LED is on, off, or
blinking as described in the following tables.
If a key is assigned to a destination the LEDs are always off.
Table 1: Function key LEDs
LED Description
Steady green Function is active, e. g. call diversion is set to on.
Off Function is not active.
Table 2: Partner key LEDs
LED Description
Steady green Partner has set call diversion to.
Blinking red slow Partner receives an internal call.
Blinking red fast Partner receives an external call.
Steady red Partner is on a call.
Table 3: Line key LEDs
LED Description
Steady red Line busy.
Off Line free.
Blinking red fast Calling / recalling
Blinking red slowly Line waiting or allocated
Related topics:
Assigning partners to keys on page 84
12 1408/1416 at Integral 5 - User Guide May 2010