The ImportLdtData command can be accessed from the File menu in Civil 3D or by typing
the command name at the command prompt. You can then select
the project path and project, and import the data.
The ExportLdtData command is accessible only from the command
line and can be run only after the ARX for the ImportLdtData
command has been loaded. The easiest way to do this is to simply
launch the ImportLdtData command and then cancel it. You can
then type ExportLdtData at the command prompt to execute the
export function. It works like the import command, enabling you to
select a Land Desktop project and the data to be exported. A similar
command can also be executed from Land Desktop.
LandXML: Since its first release, Civil 3D has supported data
transfer via LandXML. Civil 3D 2007 provides data transfer with
Land Desktop and other applications that can create and parse
LandXML data.
From the File menu, select either the Import LandXML or Export
LandXML command.
Vault Plug-Ins: Plug-ins are available for AutoCAD and Land
Desktop that allow drawings from these applications to be checked
in, checked out, or opened in read-only mode in a Vault.
Sharing Data with AutoCAD Users
Sharing data with AutoCAD is also important when implementing Civil 3D. There are two
main mechanisms for sharing data with AutoCAD users: exporting to AutoCAD and using
object enablers.
Civil 3D data can be exported to AutoCAD using the Export to AutoCAD command. This
step explodes the Civil 3D objects into standard AutoCAD entities. The advantage is that
recipients of this file can then use the linework, text, and other entities as they see fit. This
solution is generally better for subcontractors and other recipients where you cannot
control their working environment or ask that they install additional software to use your
original Civil 3D objects. These objects lose all intelligence and relationship information
during the export.
Within your own firm and for users with whom you share data frequently, an object
enabler is a better solution. The object enabler for Civil 3D installs on top of AutoCAD or
another AutoCAD-based product and allows users to view Civil 3D objects in their native
format. Users can modify layers as needed to control the display of the Civil 3D objects,
without destroying the intelligence and relationships between objects. This is the preferred