CL5708 / CL5716 User Manual
Clicking the F5 field or pressing [F5] invokes Skip mode. This function
enables you to easily skip backward or forward – switching the console focus
from the currently active computer port to the previous or next available one.
The selection of computers to be available for skip mode switching is
made with the Scan–Skip mode setting under the F3: SET function (see
page 36).
When you are in skip mode:
press [
← ] to switch to the previous computer in the list
press [
→ ] to switch to the next computer in the list
press [
↑ ] to switch to the last computer on the previous station in the list
press [
↓ ] to switch to the first computer on the next station in the list.
Note: When you skip, you only skip to the previous or next available
computer that is in the Scan–Skip mode selection (page 37).
If a port has been selected for Scan–Skip mode, when the focus switches to
that port a left/right triangle symbol appears before its port ID display.
While skip mode is in effect, the console will not function normally. You
must exit skip mode in order to regain control of the console.
To exit skip mode, press [Spacebar] or [Esc].